Masterclass Topics Available as Customized Coaching for Groups & Individuals
An Integral View of Human Living
With Integral Theory as the foundation, Character Mapping lays out a comprehensive overview of a character’s world. Learn the four primary dimensions of human experiences and the research tools that best support backstory choices.
Ties That Bind: Family Legacies & Social Roles
Learn to quickly create a family tree that tracks relational dynamics across generations and through the present day. Find out how ethnic and cultural influences are broken down into common priorities, and master the dysfunctional relational rules that drive a character’s familial and social roles.
Systems of Selves
Create a character’s layered personality and master the nuanced rules that govern inner selves. Identify the core wounds and gifts driving motivations and internal conflicts. Unconscious “shadow work” and personality typing systems are applied to character story arc, with tips on avoiding stereotypes.
Survival, Attachment, Power & Control
This course takes a deeper look at childhood attachment styles and wounds that inform a wide range of survival strategies and adult intimacy patterns. The shame accompanying attachment traumas and the underlying drive for power and control are illustrated in depth.
Myths About Madness
Course presents new perspectives on common mental health diagnoses and the latest findings about the emotional brain and nervous system. You’ll learn to distinguish between “Big T” or “little t” traumas, and the most common life experiences that bring out the best and worst in any character.
Using Your Craft for Artistic Health
Identify parts of you that block or support creative flow. Transform your relationship to procrastination, perfectionism, striving, insecurities, and rejection. Preserve & improve psychological health when taking on challenging characters. Learn tools for harvesting the character's gifts and releasing their burdens.